Friday, May 25, 2018

Keeping roads safe

One of the biggest concern for road safety is lack of knowledge about it. Roads and highways should be constructed in a way that guarantees comfortable, convenient and safe transportation of the people. But accidents are very common on roads and that is why there is the need for protective safety equipment to be installed on the roads such as road safety and traffic safety barriers. The traffic barriers manufacturers in Delhi supplies road safety equipment to ensure proper safety during traffic.

Road safety apparatus are required to protect drivers, passengers, as well as other road users in case of an accident. In the case of a steep decline, a truck may experience a braking malfunction and start rolling down the road like a runaway train. Where the road is a dual carriageway, the drivers on the other side of the lane may not be aware of such an emergency. At a sharp bend, the truck may be unable to steer the vehicle as appropriate and could drive straight to the other lane, thereby endangering the lives. A properly fabricated road divider can stop the truck from crossing over and knocking the oncoming traffic.

Similar barriers in the form of bollards can also protect a vehicle from rolling down a cliff in the case of a slippery road surface occasioned by snow and rainfall.

Fixed road bollards significantly minimize the risks of major accidents because of placing of permanent road barriers along strategic and high-risk sections of the highway.

Main reasons for installing road safety barriers are mentioned below-
  •     To protect and prevent out of control vehicles from going into the lane of other vehicles.
  •     To protect the vehicles from falling into a lope.
  •     To prevent an out-of-control vehicle from crashing and hitting a road side object. Safety road barriers should be installed on one end of the road if there are various objects near the road like: large traffic signs, bridge pier, poles etc.

The importance of traffic barriers can be seen by the benefits they provide:
  •     high containment
  •     increased safety
  •     low maintenance costs
  •     reduced traffic jams and congestion, etc.

The need for road safety is a must and roads can be safe by installing traffic safety equipment. In this the traffic barriers manufacturers in Delhi are helping a lot.