Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Benefits of Using Traffic Control Barriers

Traffic control barriers can help with numerous projects besides just controlling road traffic. They play an essential role in workplaces as well as in traffic safety all around the world. Barriers have innumerable applications, from industrial, governmental to commercial. Whatever the use case may be, the best traffic control barriers must be able to withstand rugged use. Collision, exposure to dust and rain and ultraviolet rays from the sun can damage these barriers prematurely.

Here are some of the reasons why you should invest in dedicated traffic control barriers.

No heavy equipment required: Building a barrier from scratch can be a lot of work. They may also require heavy equipment as well as construction workers. However, with traffic control barriers, none of those are needed. These barriers are mostly made from polymers and hence they are quite light. Often, they can be filled with water or sand to create sturdy barriers.

Easy deployment: Deploying traffic control barriers are quite easy. They are modular in nature and can be interlocked easily to create longer barriers.

High visibility: In case of hazardous areas, such as near a construction zone or in the airport, having high visibility is crucial. Traffic control barriers are built to be more visible out of the box. They come in bright colors and have reflective tape on them, making them much more visible.

Long Service Life
: traffic control barricades have a much longer service life than most makeshift solutions. For instance, a roadblock for a construction zone made with wooden signage will not last more than a month, whereas a simple traffic cone barricade will last for years. Furthermore, they are easier to move and store and your traffic cone supplier can provide you with more cones or barricades to extend the current one. Other forms of barricades cannot be scaled up so easily.

Weather resistant: Traffic control barriers are constructed from durable polymers. They can easily outlast most wooden or metallic barriers that easily degrade when exposed to the elements. Freezing, UV radiation or even collision will not cause major damage to these barriers.  

Sunday, January 20, 2019

How Important are Road Safety Barriers?

What is road safety equipment?
Road safety equipment refers to a number of different installations placed to enhance safety in the event of an emergency on the road. It offers protection in cases where a vehicle loses control and breach the street limits at high speed. A traffic safety device can be a temporary installation or a permanent barrier depending on the usage. Road barriers manufacturer produces traffic safety and road safety equipments like plastic cones, removable plastic bollards posts, temporary road signs as well as road spikes. While contractors work on some damaged section of a road they can erect these temporary removable traffic barriers to direct vehicular access. These may be removed quickly after completing repairs.

Usefulness of road safety equipment
In case of a traffic accident pedestrians and cyclists are often the main at-risk group and this is especially true along the road traversing high-density pedestrian population areas. These include shopping centers, residential areas and commercial areas where people tend to walk leisurely with disregard to the vehicular traffic. Installation of fixed road barriers is instrumental in reducing traffic accidents and moreover, fixed road barriers are effective due to the following factors:

Reliability: The fixed road bollards are designed to withstand high impacts like they can withstand the ramming of a truck and stop it before crossing over, keeping the pedestrians and other road users beyond them safe.

Affordable: Road bollards do not require any form of maintenance except maybe routine reflective paintwork once they are installed.

Traffic calming: To direct traffic to a particular direction, bollards are mostly used. Once they are installed, vehicles do not cross over them in the case of a traffic snarl-up to put at risk the other road users and even without the presence of traffic officers they act as a formal containment of traffic into the designated lanes.

Keeping in mind the usefulness of these safety barriers, the traffic safety barriers suppliers in India manufactures and supplies the road safety equipments for the safety of everyone.