Monday, April 23, 2018

Control Your Speed With Speedbumps

If we talk about life and safety then it is the fundamental right of every citizen to be safe. This basic fundamental right is guaranteed under the constitution of every country in the world including India. Despite of the granted right many people die every year from road accidents. The numbers are increasing every day and has reached equivalent to the number of deaths in World War II. If we look at the studies conducted by the World Bank, the estimated number suggests that 5, 00,000 people lose their life each year as a result of road accidents and over 15 million suffer injuries. About 70% of these accidents take place in the developing countries majorly from Asia and Africa.

 There are daily reports published in newspapers in every metro city in India about people killed and injured in traffic accidents. To respond to these facts, NGOs have come up with the motive of dealing with this increasing urban epidemic of death and destruction. There are many companies that started manufacturing equipment to stop accidents. The speed bumps supplier in India provides aids to manage the increasing speed that in return reduces accidents.

If we look at the statistics on road safety we will find a very grim picture worldwide and especially in developing countries like India. Road fatalities top the list of accidental deaths in India as compared to any other mishaps such as by drowning, fire, and rail or air mishaps. The increase in the magnitude of road accidents in India is at an alarming rate. About 60,000 people are killed every year in India with a national level of fatalities per kilometer is 0.025.

There are various reasons that lead to road accidents the primary among them are bad condition of roads and traffic violations, poor implementation of various laws governing road traffic and safety issues, and faulty engineering of road mechanics, may it be road design or traffic lighting etc.

The is an increasing need to educate people to follow traffic rules and comply to road safety.